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Four Business Values I live by

My values are at the core of everything I do - in business and in life!

I'm sharing them with you, so you get an idea of who I am, how I work and what we have in common!

Own it!

I try to be unapologetically me, to own my weirdness and take up the space. I want you to do the same and feel that you are in a safe space with no judgement!

We all to often feel that we don't fit in a certain box.. I like tatoos - but that might make me look too edgy.. If I say I'm arty, should I not colour my hair bright blue so others see me like that too? I love colour and bright designs, but as a brand does that not shout out extrovert - and I'm an introvert - maybe I need to stick with a more pastel colour palette.

I'm sure that you have your own contradictions about being you but not feeling like you actually can. That will also seep through in your branding. Who says a wedding photograpy business has to be all pastels and cutesy flowers? Break the norm, stand out, be you and don't fit in that box!

Be honest!

Someone recently called me rational and admiringly blunt - it might be my Dutch background (that's a story for another blog post).. but I always try to be honest and say it as it is.

When working together that's what I want from you! If you say every design I make is amazing and perfect - sure that makes me feel good. But I'd also wonder if you aren't being honest, if you feel that by saying you don't like this bit or these colours you will hurt my feelings.

That's why I want you to let me know what you like and don't- that way we can find the perfect brand identity for you. It is the only way you will be happy with your branding at the end of the process!

Trust the process!

I need to remind myself of this a little too often still.. Knowing that it's all part of the journey and that it's not the end point we are necessarily working towards but what we learn along the way. That might be a bit woohoo for you but that's how I see it.

In terms of working together, I'd like you to expand your comfort zone a bit.. trust my knowledge, trust your own gut. Be proud of who you are and what your brand is all about, find a way to showcase that through your brand visuals. Grow, learn and be open to new things!

Be Creative!

Oh the amount of times I've heard: "I'm not that creative". Bullshit! Sorry but it is.. I believe everyone is creative. Yeah, sure we don't all make our money creating master pieces but creativity comes in many, many, many forms..

And for me the best thing about being creative is that I allow myself to experiment. Either with new techniques or colours or learning a completely new programme.. And I have two rules for this: make mistakes and have fun!

I think it's so important to do this, especially as I need to be very creative in this job. To not feel the pressure of creating something "perfect". To make something ugly, to just create for the sake of creating..

Those four values are at the core of my business, I always incorporate them in any project that I work on. Making sure that who I am, what I offer and how I work are all aligned.



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